The district 22@Barcelona is within the strategies towards sustainability that strive for a higher urban complexity by increasing those dense knowledge-based activities, that means, activities with information as an extra value (@ activities). On one hand, this enables a higher efficiency within all the urban system components as well as, on the other hand, an urban and social renewal of a degraded area.
Emblematic interventions -like the Media-TIC building by Enric Ruiz Geli or the AGBAR Tower by Jean Nouvel– form, along with others, a distributed net of innovative places that provide a new identity to this area of Barcelona.
22@Barcelona project transforms two hundred hectares of industrial land of Poblenou into an innovative district offering modern spaces for the strategic concentration of intensive knowledge-based activities. This initiative is also a project of urban refurbishment and a new model of city providing a response to the challenges posed by the knowledge-based society.
It is the most important project of urban transformation of Barcelona city of the last years and one of the most ambitious of Europe of these characteristics, with a high real state potential and a 180 million Euros public investment of infrastructure plan.
Media Clusters + TIC
10 universities
4 residences
9 I+D and technology transfer centres