“The research group of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia has developed and patented a biological concrete that has the ability to grow natural vegetable organisms and accelerated form. The advantages of this material are several: reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, improve the aesthetics of the city and increase the thermal efficiency of buildings.
To create the concrete, in addition to pH, have also altered the porosity and surface roughness, leaving a multilayer concrete formed by a first sealing layer which protects against the structure against water, a second organic layer which accumulates water allowing the colonization of different vegetable spices and finally, a coating layer, discontinuous, which collects rainwater and prevents their loss.”
“This new concrete has many advantages. Biological material helps to combat and reduce CO2 from the atmosphere and captures solar radiation, regulating the thermal conductivity inside the buildings.
As a decorative element in both new construction and existing, offers a new concept of vertical garden in which you can make patterns with different species of different colors. This variation of hues also assessed according to the season.”